Curt Snider
Curt is a retired U.S. Army Special Forces Officer currently living in Alexandria, Virginia. He has numerous combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan as well as deployments to Africa in support of Allied and U.S. foreign policy objectives. Curt holds a Bachelors of Science degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point and a Masters of Science in Defense Analysis from the Naval Postgraduate School.
Curt’s professional interests center around the creation and sustainment of successful organizational culture, leader development and international affairs. As a student of leadership, he is constantly in search of principles that have the widest application regardless of modality.
Away from work Curt’s interests include fostering friendships the adventure of life has brought his way and challenging hobbies where he has more enthusiasm than skill including a new and rapidly growing affinity for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is an advocate for veterans causes and the outdoors, particularly conservation and public access.